This information is a general overview of the late model (2019+) Mercedes Sprinter specifications. It has been collected from multiple sources and may not reflect your vehicle’s specifications. Even among the Mercedes documents, we found slight differences. If you need information for your specific Sprinter model, it’s best to contact a Mercedes Service Center with your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and they can look up your vehicle specifications.
If you find out-of-date or incorrect information here, let us know and we will update the document.

Mercedes Sprinters come with four-cylinder or six-cylinder gasoline or diesel engines. Rather than detailing all of the engine options, we’ll concentrate on the 3.0 liter V6 diesel engine, which is used in the majority of Sprinter RVs. Ya, I’m a little lazy and this document is boring enough without adding gas engines too.

Sprinter Diesel Fuel Capacity: The OM642 and OM651 diesel engines have a 24.5 gallon (90.85 liters) fuel tank. When the warning light comes on, the tank has a reserve capacity of 5 gallons and you better start looking for a fuel station.
TIP#012: Prevent Fuel Condensation – If you do not intend to drive your sprinter for several weeks, you should completely fill the fuel tank before storing it. This prevents moisture (water) in the air from condensing into your fuel.
TIP#305: Florida Winter Fuel – Winter blend diesel is a special mix typically available from October to March, designed to perform well in colder temperatures. It consists of regular diesel fuel mixed with additives that help prevent issues like fuel gelling, which can clog filters and fuel lines. Due to milder winters, typically Florida does not offer winter-blend diesel. If you’re traveling from Florida to colder climates, you may want to add anti-gel to your fuel and keep the fuel tank full to reduce condensation.
🤣 How cold was it? It was so cold: my plumber pulled up his pants. Chickens lined up to get in the oven!
Diesel fuel originated from experiments conducted by German scientist and inventor Rudolf Diesel for his compression-ignition engine he invented in 1892. His original diesel was actually made to run on peanut oil. I guess he didn’t have a peanut allergy. Glad his name wasn’t Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff.

Like the octane rating for gasoline, diesel uses a cetane rating. In the US, most diesel cetane is 45-55, the higher the better.
Diesel comes in 2 grades for vehicles, #1 (or 1-D) and #2 (or 2-D). #1 is thinner and also known as winter diesel and is not as prone to gel in freezing temperatures. #2 costs less and is commonly used in the trucking industry. There is no problem mixing the two types.

Premium diesel is regular diesel that has cleaning additives. It is not any better than regular diesel and oil companies are unwilling to even specify what they’ve added. Mercedes is just one of many automakers that discourages the use of premium diesel.
The vast majority of the diesel fuel supplied and sold in the US is refined from crude oil. A US barrel (42 gallons) of crude produces 11-12 gallons of diesel and 19-20 gallons of gasoline. Prior to 2006, diesel contained Sulphur, which caused harmful pollution. Today, all diesel, including off-road diesel, is ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD), which contains no more than 15 parts per million of sulfur.
Strange Fact: In 2020, US refineries produced approximately 69.65 billion gallons of diesel, while total consumption was approximately 57.43 billion gallons. Despite producing more than we consumed, the United States imported approximately 3.24 billion gallons, the majority of which came from Canada. In 2020, the United States exported approximately 15.61 billion gallons. Somewhere, someone is making a boatload of money.
Diesel is considered flammable, while gasoline is considered combustible. That means a diesel engine will not operate on gasoline, and a gasoline engine will not run on diesel. A gasoline fuel pump system can’t handle diesel, and gasoline causes too much of an explosion for a diesel engine to handle.

Diesel Taxes – Diesel fuel comes in two forms. State and federal governments levy taxes on highway diesel to fund roads and highways. The tax in California is $0.93 a gallon, while it is $0.14 in Alaska. Off-road diesel, which is used on unlicensed farm and construction equipment, is not taxed.
Highway Diesel
On-road diesel is either clear or somewhat green in appearance. A green dye is added to diesel fuel by refineries, which is visible when the fuel is freshly dispensed. This dye fades to yellow or darker colors as the fuel ages. Checking the fuel for a “bright” appearance, with the faint green dye being a giveaway that the diesel is new and in good condition, is part of a visual inspection to assess diesel fuel quality.
Off Road – Red Diesel
Off-Road diesel is dyed red. The color identifies this as off-road equipment fuel, and the price does not include fuel taxes. Because this dye requires a lot of clear fuel to dilute, it’s easy to tell if an on-road vehicle has been using untaxed off-road fuel.
Tax officials can and do conduct checks on vehicles that use off-road red diesel. They accomplish this by utilizing a black light to detect any remaining dye in the fuel as well as in vital areas of the engine compartment. If you’re discovered having red diesel in your on-road car in Oregon, you might face a $10,000 punishment each day. If you use red it could cost you a bunch of green.

In trucking, a “reefer” is a refrigerated trailer that gets attached to a semi-truck in order to transport perishables and other temperature-sensitive goods. It was originally the ice cream industry that gave birth to the reefer around 1925. Reefers may also be used for heated goods.
Reefer fuel is a special type of diesel only allowed in off-road vehicles. Like off road diesel, reefer diesel is also dyed red to clearly distinguish it from standard diesel. Because vehicles that use reefer fuel do not use highways or public roads, it is not subject to road tax.
Biodiesel – The total volume of biodiesel produced in the United States in 2020 was 1.81 billion gallons. It’s made from soy-based vegetable oils. Biodiesel has a higher moisture content than petroleum diesel, which might lead to microbial development in the fuel tanks. It is not as beneficial to your vehicle as standard diesel fuel.
Continuous usage of B20 fuels, which contain more than the Mercedes approved 5% biodiesel, might cause fuel filter blockage. Deposits may also accumulate on the fuel injectors. This may result in a reduction in engine output. Biodiesel is also a little thinner and it is possible for unburned fuel to enter the oil. This causes the engine oil level to rise, which might result in mechanical damage to the engine.
If you see a “B20” label then Mercedes recommends that you minimize its use (an occasional tankful is fine) but if that’s all you have available as a regular diet then you need to do oil changes, oil filter changes, and fuel filter changes twice as often as your Sprinter manual recommends.
To avoid damage and a reduction in engine output, keep the following points in mind:
– Fill up with fuels with bio-diesel content of 5% (ULSD) or less, whenever possible.
– Regularly check your engine oil level if you use B20 fuels on a regular basis.
– Change the fuel filter more often when running B20 fuel.
TIP#275: Dilute B20 Biodiesel – When in an area where B20 is going to be the only option, try to fill-up then your tank is still half-full of non-biodiesel to dilute the B20.

Fascinating Facts:
A pilot project in Alaska produced bio-diesel from fish oil from the local fish processing industry.
Entertainer Willie Nelson sells B20 biodiesel in four states, under the name BioWillie (as well as his own line of marijuana: Willie’s Reserve).
Renewable diesel is not the same as Biodiesel, despite what some stickers on pumps say. “B” is Biodiesel(B5/B20), “R” is Renewable(R100/R99/R95). Renewable diesel is preferred, it’s cleaner burning and is intermixed with #2 all the time. At this time, Mercedes does not approve use of that fuel. Perhaps in the future they may but not now.
If you see an orange “Biomass” sticker on the pump DO NOT USE THAT FUEL. Mercedes does not approve use of that fuel at this time. Perhaps in the future they will but not now.
Kerosene is also produced using a distillation process, resulting in a pure fuel. This indicates it is free of additives, unlike diesel fuel. It burns cleaner than diesel but lacks the lubricating additives found in diesel. Although all kerosene is #1 diesel, not all diesel fuels are.
TIP#029: WARNING – Ignore Fuel Pump Color – Green pump handles DO NOT always mean it is DIESEL. When fueling up with diesel, always double check the nozzle to make sure you have selected diesel. Handle colors are not a standard, and some stations can have green handles for the gas. This can be a very costly mistake!
Always double-check that you’re getting diesel before filling up your sprinter, and never assume that a green nozzle at a strange station means the pump pours diesel gasoline. Although green is sometimes associated with diesel pumps, this is not necessarily the case. Diesel fuel is now distributed through nozzles that can be green, black, yellow, or any other color the customer chooses.

TIP#064: Fuel Storage Container Colors – In the US, diesel containers are yellow to differentiate it from kerosene, which is typically kept in blue containers, and gasoline containers are red. Green containers are used to store oil.
TIP#044: Gasoline in a Diesel Engine – If you make the mistake of pumping gasoline into the diesel tank and realize it immediately, DO NOT START the engine. Hang up the filling hose, and call a tow truck to go drain the gasoline safely. Flushing the fuel tank can cost as much as $1,700 and may be covered by insurance.
As little as 1% gasoline contamination will lower the diesel flash point by 65 degrees F. This means the diesel fuel will prematurely ignite in the diesel engine, which can lead to engine damage. Gasoline contamination can also damage the fuel pump and diesel injectors. Repair Cost – The repair cost can be as much as $15,000-$20,000 to repair the engine damage.
Fuel Filter replacement – Mercedes recommends Sprinter fuel filters should be changed once per year with average driving. The purpose of any diesel fuel filter is to remove foreign particles as well as water. If you are using a significant amount of B20 Biodiesel, the fuel filter will need to be changed more often.
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Oil Fill Capacity
2010-2024 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 3.0L OM642 V6 turbo diesel hold 13.2 quarts (12.5 liters) of oil.
Oil Type
2010-2016 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 3.0L OM642 V6 turbo diesel models –
MB 228.51, MB 229.31, MB 229.51 oil specs.
2017-2024 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 3.0L OM642 V6 turbo diesel models
MB 228.51, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, MB 229.52 oil specs.

Intervals – Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Oil Change Intervals
2010-2016 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 3.0L OM642 V6 turbo diesel year or 5,000-7,000 miles if using non-synthetic oil.
Mercedes switched from a two-year, 20,000-mile oil change interval to a variable on-board maintenance system after 2017. When an oil change is recommended, this system electronically checks the oil quality and the duration of the oil change and displays an oil change warning light. (Most experts still recommend changing at 10,000 for long engine life.) Performing more frequent oil change intervals will also extend the engine life. If you travel at sustained highway speeds for long periods, changing oil at 10,000 miles may be of benefit.
TIP#113: Engine Break-in
There are a few steps you could do to extend the life of your new diesel engine. While many manufacturers suggest a break-in period is not necessary, a gentle break-in could extend the diesel engine life to as many as 300,000 miles. Some Mercedes websites do suggest:
1 – Drive at varying vehicle and engine speeds during the first 1,000 miles to protect the engine.
2 – Avoid high engine speeds during the first 1,000 miles. Do not exceed 3/4ths of the maximum allowable speed for each gear.
3 – Do not manually change down a gear in order to brake.
4 – Avoid pressing the gas pedal beyond the pressure point.

For the first oil change, experts recommend changing the engine break-in oil at 5,000 miles. This oil has been in the engine since it was built, which could be more than a year ago. Metal surfaces wear rapidly during the initial break-in period, causing minute metal particles to become suspended in the oil.
TIP#276: Trailer Delivery – I also prefer having a brand new sprinter RV delivered on a low-boy trailer instead of having it driven to a dealership. Delivery drivers are not going to be performing the gentle engine break-in. Because drivers get paid by the mile and per delivery, so it will almost certainly involve all highway driving, at the maximum speed limit for extended periods of time.
Viscosity 5W-30
The term “viscosity” relates to the oil’s thickness; a higher viscosity value implies that the oil is thicker. Today’s engines have better machining and tighter tolerances, allowing for the use of a much thinner oil.
Oil that is thinner lubricates bearings better and circulates more quickly and freely throughout the engine.
The first number in oil viscosity indicates the viscosity at cooler temperatures. So, that means when you are comparing 5w30 vs. 10w30, the thinner 5w30 will circulate quicker, and flow through bearing tolerances better during an engine startup in the winter or colder climates. The “w” behind the 5 and the 10 indicates that those are the viscosities tested at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. The 30 refers to the viscosity at higher temperatures and is tested at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. The viscosity numbers are defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).

Synthetic oil is a man-made lubricant consisting of artificially made chemical compounds, typically created from petroleum components with a base material made from distilled crude oil. Synthetic oil provides greater engine protection, a cleaner engine, better viscosity, and turbocharger protection at high temperatures.
TIP111: Dip Stick – How to check the oil level – There’s NO dipstick! – The later model sprinters have an electronic oil level and the level is displayed on the driver information display screen. If you’re an old schooler like me, you can still purchase a dip-stick from your local Mercedes parts center.
DEF – Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Starting in 2010, Diesel engines were required to meet lower NOx standards in the US market. The SCR/DEF (Selective Catalytic Reduction/Diesel Exhaust Fluid) system has become the most cost effective way to reduce NOx. A lot other companies (VW, Audi, Mercedes, BMW, etc.) decided to try a different method; they cheated and got caught.
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF), often known as AdBlue or Blue DEF, is an elixir that is used to make sure that what exits a diesel vehicle’s tailpipe is as sweet as an Alpine breeze.
DEF is formulated from a precise mixture of 32.5% synthetic urea and 67.5% de-ionized water and is not toxic, harmful or dangerous.. This carefully balanced blend plays a pivotal role in reducing harmful emissions from diesel engines. The urea component undergoes a chemical reaction when introduced into the exhaust stream, breaking down nitrogen oxides into harmless nitrogen and water vapor.

Benefits of SCR/DEF filters are:
– No diesel soot or smell.
– Much reduced carcinogenic emissions.
– Lower CO2 exhaust gasses.
– slight addition cost for DEF fluid
– storage and handling: DEF is sensitive to contamination, high temperatures, and direct sunlight.
– Freezing concerns: DEF freezes at 12 degrees F. The sprinter DEF tank does have heaters in the tank when driving.
– Complexity: It adds additional components to the engine system and can increase maintenance costs.
– Faults: While designed to be reliable, the DEF system can experience faults and the engine can go into “limp home” mode if not addressed promptly.
Corrosive – DEF is corrosive to some metals, such as carbon steel, aluminum, copper, and zinc, and if you spill a small amount of DEF, it can be washed away with water or wiped up. It has a shelf life of two years, less if stored in warm environments, and should be labeled with an expiration date.
Sprinter Tank Size – The DEF tank size for newer Sprinters is 6.6 gallons, and the 2017 Sprinter tank is 4.7gallons.
DEF Consumption – Vehicle consumption of DEF is approximately 2,300 miles per gallon.
TIP#054: Submerge DEF Sensors – It is strongly advised to fill the tank when it reaches half empty to keep the sensors submerged in fluid. When not submerged, urea crystals can form and obscure the tank sensors giving false readings. If the DEF level gets too low, the van may go into “Limp Home Mode”.
Purchasing DEF – DEF can be purchased in 2.5 gallon containers at many big box stores like Costco, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes and most automotive stores. Prices range from $12 to above $30 at some auto parts stores. When the dash DEF level is shown at half full, you should be able to add a 2-1/2 gallon jug (2019+ sprinter). When purchasing DEF in containers, you should check the expiration date on the bottle and be sure to use it before this date as the product has a limited shelf life usually 12 months, longer in optimum conditions. Since DEF is readily available in stores, it is best to buy DEF only when needed instead of stockpiling it for long periods.
TIP#278: DEF Pumps – If you would like a simpler, cleaner, and cheaper method of refilling the DEF tank, many fuel stations, like Buc-ee’s, Rally, and all truck stops have DEF pumps next to the diesel pumps. This has become our preferred method of refilling. Aside from being less expensive, using DEF at the pumps is also more environmentally friendly by eliminating the disposal of the plastic jug and cardboard box.

I know you want to ask: The urea is derived from one of the byproducts of urine. But it’s synthetically made, so no cats are ever harmed in the production of the fluid and ‘no’ you can’t just urinate in the tank. ;-(
Vapor – When you open the DEF tank, a small amount of ammonia vapor may be released. Do not inhale any ammonia vapor and fill the DEF tank only in well-ventilated areas.

Empty DEF – If your sprinter is allowed to run out of DEF, the engine’s power will be reduced, a solid red warning will be displayed, and the vehicle speed will be limited to 5 mph (limp home mode) until the DEF tank is refilled. Low DEF may also not allow the vehicle to be restarted after being turned off.
It is Ok to keep the DEF tank topped off like you would with windshield wiper fluid or wait until you get the FIRST warning light. Given how easy it is to buy and add, it doesn’t make sense to wait until the second warning.
TIP#277: DEF Freezing – The freezing point of DEF is around 12 degrees F and like water, when it freezes it expands by approximately 7% and could potentially damage the DEF tank. During winter weather, you may want to maintain a little lower level of DEF to allow for this expansion. Freezing and thawing DEF doesn’t affect its quality or effectiveness. If it freezes, the engine will still start without a problem, and the tank has a heating element that can quickly thaw the DEF. Don’t worry; on-spec DEF is specifically formulated to allow the fluid to thaw at the proper concentration to keep your rig operating smoothly.
Transmission Fluid
Pentosin ATF 1 LV Fully Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid is ideal for lifetime applications in automatic gearboxes and can also be used when low-viscosity ATF is required. It is recommended for Mercedes-Benz 236.10, 236.12, and 236.14 requirements.
Every 40,000 to 60,000 miles, a transmission fluid flush is advised. Due to the additional time required for the service and the fact that the flush not only replaces the fluid in the pan but also removes fluid from the coolant lines and other components of your transmission, a transmission flush is normally twice the price of a fluid change. A transmission flush on a 2018 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Van needs roughly 10 gallons of fluid to completely clean and flush out the system.
The 2018 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Van transmission filter should also be replaced every 30,000 or 50,000 miles. The cost of a new 2018 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Van transmission could be over $3,500 depending on the vehicle, so preventative maintenance is better in the long run.

Gear Oils
Gear Oils and grease are specified by viscosity grade and vary for the specific use. Like engine oil, synthetic gear oils are now the preferred choice and provide extended component life and reduce wear. The owner’s manual for your specific year sprinter should be the primary source for information.
Brake Fluid
Brake fluid is made of Glycol and will have a clear, yellowish, or golden color. It should be replaced every two years or every 20 thousand miles with Dot-4 grade fluid.
The brake fluid constantly absorbs moisture from the air. This lowers the boiling point of the brake fluid. If the boiling point is too low, vapor pockets may form in the brake system when the brakes are applied hard. This causes the braking effect to be impaired. As it absorbs moisture, it will turn brown and darken as it ages.

Brake Fluid Change Interval – As a general guideline, MD recommends changing the brake fluid every two years. Changing frequency may vary based on driving conditions, and usage.
TIP#022: Brake Fluid can be Deadly – Like many other automotive fluids, brake fluid can also be fatal if ingested.
WARNING: Brake fluid is composed of toxic alcohol diethylene glycol (DEG), which has a boiling point of about 470°F. DEG is sweet-tasting, odorless, and colorless. If swallowed, it can be very dangerous, even fatal, if patients do not receive prompt medical care. If brake fluid gets in the eyes, minor irritation and redness can occur. Serious eye injury is not likely, but the eyes should be rinsed immediately. Call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222.
TIP#274: Paint Damage – There is a risk of damage if brake fluid comes into contact with paint, plastic or rubber. In just five minutes, brake fluid can wreck the car’s clear coat and cause irreversible damage to the paint. If spilled on paint, wash immediately with soap and water.
Radiator Coolant
Mercedes-Benz has really only uses two different types of coolant in their cars, SUVs and vans. A blue or pink-violet color coolant. Up to the manufacture date of April 2014, most Mercedes-Benz engines used the blue MB 325.0 and MB 326.0 specification coolant.
It is okay to top up Mercedes coolant using plain water, however using coolant to top up is always best. The problem with using water is, it dilutes the coolant strength.
You can purchase ready-made mixtures of coolant that already have water added, or you can purchase full-strength antifreeze which needs to be diluted with distilled water before being added to the engine system.
1.5 liter bottle, pre-mixed and ready-to-use. OEM approved Mercedes-Benz MB 325.0 coolant antifreeze type. See your service manual to confirm.
Comma Xstream G48 Concentrate is an Ethylene glycol-based antifreeze and coolant with silicate based inhibitors. It provides protection against corrosion, summer overheating and winter freezing, with a typical service life of up to 3 years. Safeguarded with a bittering agent to help prevent accidental ingestion.
TIP#005: WARNING: Ethylene glycol and Methanol are all hazardous components in antifreeze. Seek medical care as soon as possible. DO NOT make someone vomit unless poison control or a medical professional advises you to. Coolant can taste sweet to pets so be sure to wash down any spilled coolant.
Caution: Coolant should not be spilled on painted surfaces.
OM642 engines hold 2.6 gallons (10 liters) of radiator fluid.
OM651 engines hold 2.5 gallons (9.5 liters)
Windshield Washer Fluid
This is one fluid where you can pick your favorite color. There are orange, red, purple, yellow, green, clear and the most common, blue. There are fluids with rain-X, bug wash, anti-freeze, de-ice, all-season, from concentrate, and pre-mixed.
TIP#027: Washer Fluid Deadly – While a child could mistake it for kids drink, it can be fatal.
Warning: Methanol, the main ingredient in windshield washing fluid, is extremely poisonous. As little as 2 tablespoons can be deadly to a child. About 2 to 8 ounces can be deadly for an adult. Blindness is common and often permanent despite medical care.

AC Refrigerant
Your vehicle’s climate control system may be filled with the refrigerant R134a. The refrigerant R134a contains fluorinated greenhouse gas.

TIP#279: Operator Manuals
Owner manuals for 2010-2024 sprinters are available for download at: